Visions of the Future: Trappist 1e

Visions of the Future: Trappist 1e

from $40.00

"Some 40 light-years from Earth, a planet called TRAPPIST-1e offers a heart-stopping view: brilliant objects in a red sky, looming like larger and smaller versions of our own moon. But these are no moons. They are Earth-sized planets in a spectacular planetary system outside our own. These seven rocky worlds huddle around their small, dim, red star, like a family around a campfire. Any of them could harbor liquid water, but the planet shown here, fourth from the TRAPPIST-1 star, is in the habitable zone, the area around the star where liquid water is most likely to be detected. This system was revealed by the TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope (TRAPPIST) and NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. The planets are also excellent targets for NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. Take a planet-hopping excursion through the TRAPPIST-1 system."

Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech


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Please note that actual piece count will vary as each puzzle is cut by hand. Below is a general estimate of the number of pieces you can expect for the various sizes.

  • 5” x 8”: 40 pieces

  • 7” x 10”: 70 pieces

  • 8” x 12”: 96 pieces

  • 10” x 14”: 140 pieces

  • 12” x 18”: 216 pieces